Students are admitted by random lottery. Applicants who reside in Community School District 6 get a preference. Anyone can apply by completing our application. Our lottery is held in early April, and we will reach out to families with results immediately. After the initial round of acceptances following our lottery, we will continue to call families off the waitlist throughout the summer and even through the fall of each school year.
As of 101/28/24, School in the Square is accepting applications for PreK-10th grade for the 2025-26 school year. Within the next 3 years we will fully serve grades PreK through 12th.
We loosely follow the DOE’s calendar, but we have a longer school year which begins in August. You can check out our current calendar here. Our school day is also longer. We offer optional hot breakfast to students at 8:30 a.m. Classes run from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Once your child is accepted and fully enrolled to School in the Square they will not need to re-apply for future academic years.
If your child does not get a seat at S2 the year that you apply, we encourage you to apply again the following year.
Yes! Sign up to attend one of our open houses so you can tour the school, hear from our leadership team, and learn all about our unique program. If you are unable to attend a scheduled open house, please email or call the front desk at (718) 916-7683.
We have a flexible uniform policy, designed by a committee of our founding students. More information about the policy can be found here
We have Integrated Co-teaching classes for each grade. Additionally, we have a dedicated Social Emotional Learning team to provide counseling services for our students.
School in the Square works with the Department of Education to obtain Metrocards and yellow bus services for our students. Students at S2 are eligible for transportation services at the same level as students in traditional Department of Education students.
Yes! We have sports teams for both boys and girls! We offer different sports every season, including girls’ volleyball, boys’ and girls’ basketball teams, flag football, soccer, and softball.
At School in the Square, all students receive a personal Chromebook for use during the day and at home, including weekends, vacations, and if needed, summer break.
School in the Square runs a three-week targeted summer program, Summer in the Square. Focusing on reducing the effect of summer slide, students are placed into small groups based on their specific academic needs, and our instructional staff work with them to improve their knowledge base and skills. The summer programming also includes optional field trips to some of NYC's best cultural institutions and even a sleepaway camp opportunity.